[Rumor] Tizen 2.3 before 3.0?

Today, afetr a week of silence, Samsung has updated the unofficial Tizen SDK 3.0 again . In the Changelog one can find an interesting entry:

Changed packages: 
- mobile-webapp-ext-eplugin

Package: mobile-webapp-ext-eplugin
OS: windows-32, ubuntu-32, windows-64, ubuntu-64, macos-64
Version: 1.0.2
- Support mobile-2.3 platform
Uploader: changhyun1.lee <changhyun1.lee@samsung.com> 2014-05-08

The entry refers to a version 2.3 which has not been seen anywhere yet. So it could well be possible that Samsung updates the 2.x branch of Tizen before releasing Tizen 3.0.

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