[Rumor] Tizen 2.3 before 3.0?

Today, afetr a week of silence, Samsung has updated the unofficial Tizen SDK 3.0 again . In the Changelog one can find an interesting entry:

Changed packages: 
- mobile-webapp-ext-eplugin

Package: mobile-webapp-ext-eplugin
OS: windows-32, ubuntu-32, windows-64, ubuntu-64, macos-64
Version: 1.0.2
- Support mobile-2.3 platform
Uploader: changhyun1.lee <changhyun1.lee@samsung.com> 2014-05-08

The entry refers to a version 2.3 which has not been seen anywhere yet. So it could well be possible that Samsung updates the 2.x branch of Tizen before releasing Tizen 3.0.

[Update!] Samsung denies withdrawal from Tizen – Intel also denied

Recently went to the Internet Rumor to that Samsung and Intel jointly from the project Tizen, which is largely driven by the two companies, to rise. We have deliberately omitted a reporting because we never really believed from the outset as to the seriousness of this message. Continue reading