Tizen 2.3 Firmware für RD-PQ Tizen Reference Device

Yesterday, Samsung has released a firmware, the developer of a Reference Tizen device finally provides the opportunity to test their apps with Tizen 2.3.

The firmware (also known as M0 or TRATS2) for the RD-PQ I installed myself tonight. I have discovered the firmware by chance, when it became known that the Source code to Tizen 2.3 was published. Then I thought, let's see what the Release folder on the server to download hergibt and lo and behold, there is a subfolder with “2.3”.
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Tizen Wearable SDK Update bringt Support für Gear S

Samsung has time for the start of the new Gear S the Tizen SDK for wearables updated with a large update. The new version also carries the additional B (eta) and is officially 1.0.0 b3, intended Tizen version is Continue reading

Tizen SDK 2.2.1 released

Samsung has today updated the Tizen SDK to version 2.2.1. Based on the version number can be seen that it is primarily about bug fixes. But there are also a few new features.


  • Privacy Control
  • Apps installed on sdcard
  • Firmware Download unterstützt USB.org Framework Test Tool sowie Mac OS X Continue reading

Tizen now in Remote Test Lab

As of today, developers can use the Samsung Remote Test Lab Tizen test their apps at home without having a physical device. As a test device the current Tizen RD PQ is used with Tizen 2.2, the device is technically based on the Galaxy S3.

So if you have not had the opportunity to get their hands a device that is now able to more easily test their apps on a real device, totally free of charge. The device is connected to the test labs in Korea, Poland, UK and India.

2.2 Tizen SDK install Windows 8 64-bit

Since Tizen 2.0 there are problems, the Tizen SDK Windows 8 to install 64-bit correctly. In most cases the installer crashes after the extract the temporary files. Since the Tizen 2.2 Installer.exe you can not manually extract, however, as these are probably now output encrypted to start the necessary files yourself.

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Tizen App Challenge 2013 has officially begun

Today, the Tizen App Challenge officially begun. After the actual start because of the new Tizen SDK 2.2 moved was, today was the official launch. Developers now have the opportunity to present their apps to 01 November submitted.

Besides a juicy prize money, the Grand Prize winner will be in addition to Tizen Conference 2014 or Tizen App Challenge Zeromnie invited. Furthermore, to U.S. $ 2,500 for travel and housing are provided. Continue reading