2.2 Tizen SDK install Windows 8 64-bit

Since Tizen 2.0 there are problems, the Tizen SDK Windows 8 to install 64-bit correctly. In most cases the installer crashes after the extract the temporary files. Since the Tizen 2.2 Installer.exe you can not manually extract, however, as these are probably now output encrypted to start the necessary files yourself.

However, the installer manages to create the temporary files at least, these are located in the directory C: Users {User Name} AppData Local Tizen-sdk_InstallationsDatum. I've already done that and the needed files can be here download.

In the zip are the files: installmanager.conf, InstallManager.jar, InstManager.exe, InstManagerC.exe, javacheck.exe and readme.txt. The key is really just the readme.txt and the InstallManager.jar. In the readme.txt is described again how to install the SDK manually.


  1. Unzip the file tizen2.2win8.zip
  2. Run cmd.exe (command prompt)
    1. cd {downlodpath}/tizen2.2win8
    2. java-best InstallManager.jar
      or,,de,Do 6. Apr 2017, 00:32,,en
    3. java -jar {downloadpath}/tizen2.2win8/InstallManager.jar
  3. Follow the Tizen SDK installation instructions
  4. Have fun

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