Tizen 2.3 Firmware für RD-PQ Tizen Reference Device

Yesterday, Samsung has released a firmware, the developer of a Reference Tizen device finally provides the opportunity to test their apps with Tizen 2.3.

The firmware (also known as M0 or TRATS2) for the RD-PQ I installed myself tonight. I have discovered the firmware by chance, when it became known that the Source code to Tizen 2.3 was published. Then I thought, let's see what the Release folder on the server to download hergibt and lo and behold, there is a subfolder with “2.3”.
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Tizen SDK for TV appeared in Beta

Yesterday, Samsung has released another Tizen SDK. After the Tizen SDK (InVehicle, smartphones) and the Tizen SDK for wearables (Wearables) now follows the Tizen-based Samsung TV SDK.

Tizen SDK for TV BetaAs the name suggests, the SDK for writing applications for TV sets is determined. The applications are written like with the Tizen SDK for wearables in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS. Support for C is not currently available. The SDK runs under Windows as well as Mac OS and Linux and are either 32bit or 64bit it.

In the first beta of the SDK also a web simulator and debugger are included in addition to the IDE.