Booting the Kernel-Problem Hotfix

Who since the Tizen SDK 2.1 on the “Booting the Kernel”Problem suffers from the emulator, the following little guide(via) use to fix this.

First you start the emulator normally using the Emulator Manager.

Then sdb must be started with root privileges. It is important that here the sdb is used from the SDK Tools folder and not the emulator shell.

$ [SDK_PATH]/tools/sdb root on

Now the shell can be started in the emulator. For this, right-click on the emulator and then select Shell. But it is also, of course, already started with Shell:

$ sdb shell

Now we change to the directory / usr / lib / systemd / system and edited the file user-session @. Service.
The change that must be made is: “Type=notify” to,de “Type=oneshot”.

Now the shell can be closed. Finally now, the emulator needs to be restarted.


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