Sync Android contacts without Google!

One of the most comfortable features of Android is the ability to synchronize their contacts through the Google account between multiple Android devices. So one has to its smartphones and tablets getting the same data available and save yourself the hassle of double maintain. The snag is that you have to entrust their data to a server by Google, over which one has no control. I will not comment on whether or what Google does with the data, which will perhaps be subject of another article, but which option you have to use this function without the Google server now.

With a little effort, and minimal financial outlay makes this goal by means of the open source software OwnCloud also achieve. Condition for this is that one has a server or web space, on which can be operated OwnCloud (required PHP and a database, either MySQL, Postgres or SQLite). The relevant web hosters do you get the needed packages offered for a few euros per month. In addition, you can also set up an appropriate home server itself. It is important to note that you comply with the minimum requirements of OwnCloud to the PHP version. OwnCloud 5 requires PHP 5.3 ahead.

If all this is too complicated, takes here a list of providers, where you get a free partially finished OwnCloud access. However, you should then be aware that one's data there again leaves a foreign company.

Since Android innately can not synchronize with OwnCloud, one needs additionally an app that performs this function. The offizielle OwnCloud App synchronized for Android unfortunately not (yet) the contact, this is OwnCloud but via the standardized interface CardDAV (More info here) ready. Makes you look so on the search in Google Play Store, you will find to be able to handle a handful of apps that promise with it. I chose 'CardDAV-Sync’ developer ‘Marten Gajda‘ decided. It integrates seamlessly with the Android account management and there is a free version to try out.

Installing OwnCloud on the server's Instructions described in detail. Who likes the compact, takes place in the network quickly a few easy to understand alternatives. Enter into detail here it is beyond the scope of the article quickly, because the installation is strongly dependent on the circumstances of the server or webspace.

During the installation of OwnCloud a user is already created, in addition, you have the option on the web interface of OwnCloud even add other users, for example, so you can give the opportunity also to his friends or family members to synchronize contacts on the server.

OwnCloud_User OwnCloud_Contacts

2013-05-13 22.04.10First you need the CardDAV app start on your devices and set up accordingly.

carddav link

Opens the Contacts area there, and click the bottom left of the small gear (see screenshot above). You now see a series of small icons, including also a globe. If you click on this, the entire URL is displayed to the address you just selected. The final URL should look something like this:

Should you get the message that the URL you entered does not point to a valid CardDAV address book, and you you're sure you did not you mistyped the URL that could be that on your server, the module mod_pagespeed is enabled by Google. This is an extension for the Apache Web server, which should reduce the loading time of web pages. Unfortunately modified mod_pagespeed also the headers of the CardDAV transmission, which is the reason that the sync app does not recognize the URL.

2013-05-13 22.05.562013-05-13 22.05.39If you have everything entered correctly, you can now find in your Android settings ‘Accounts & Synchronization‘ a new entry for the OwnCloud connection with the designation CardDAV. If you click on this, you come in a mask with further options. There you can set, for example, whether the synchronization is done in both directions, or only from the server to smartphone, or 'win which side in the event of a conflict’ should. Also can be set here whether and at what interval a regular, automatic synchronization occurs.

With high probability, you will notice that a click on ‘Alle synch.‘ no effect. The reason is that Android for each synchronization account has its own container for contacts invests etc.. Your OwnCloud contacts get so also its own container. This container is initially empty, so you still need to work your contacts there to copy.

2013-05-13 22.06.372013-05-13 22.06.48This can be either a special app to make (for example, ‘Copy Contacts'), Or, as I did it by first exporting it with all your contacts from your Smartphone into a VCF file (This goes out directly from the contact list of Android: Import / Export → Export to USB storage), And then imported through the web interface of OwnCloud.

This will have the consequence that you are now displayed in your address book all contacts twice (this may depend on the device manufacturer or the Android version). The reason is that your old Google contacts are stored separately still on the phone. This you can now either delete, or combine with the newly created OwnCloud contacts. I decided to delete because I was simultaneously bring a little more order in my address book in this way.

If you have his contacts associated images or divided them into groups, this information is also synchronized. Whether you as a contact on your phone ‘Favorite‘ has declared is unfortunately not transmitted. Furthermore, it is to note at this point that the free version of the CardDAV sync app does not synchronize as many data fields of a contact, such as the paid. An enumeration of the differences between the two variants is their here.

Although this tutorial is primarily aimed at Android users who do not want to make so much of Google dependent, it can in principle be applied to other smartphone systems. All you need to is a corresponding CardDAV App. On Apple's iPhones, it is from iOS 5 even without additional app possible, since CardDAV is already integrated. About the paid Windows Software iCalOL also can be an additional synchronization with Microsoft Outlook set up. The free e-mail client Thunderbird from the Mozilla family dominated since version 10 CardDAV and can be also synchronized with the OwnCloud server.

Now that the server is OwnCloud once placed, this will also enable the calendar data from one device to synchronize without having to rely on Google servers. This requires a CalDAV app or a CalDAV client, but I will get into when needed in another article.

The products mentioned in this article Apps:

CardDAV-Sync free
CardDAV-Sync free
Developer: dmfs GmbH,en
Price: Free

Developer: dmfs GmbH,en
Price: 1,90 €

Developer: ownCloud GmbH,de
Price: Free

Copy Contacts
Copy Contacts
Developer: AlefSoft
Price: 1,50 €

CardDAV Apps für andere Systeme:

The app was not found in the store. 🙁

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